Do you also wonder, is it worth investing money on an eyelash extending mascara? Do you believe that such cosmetics really work? Or maybe it is just an empty promise of the producers? Let us take a closer look at eyelash lengthening products and confront them with lashes’ needs.
Undoubtedly, shops, drugstores and other similar places are full of various eyelash lengthening mascaras. Colourful packages, fancy brushes, extraordinary properties are just some of the features which are presented on the mascara’s labels. So, how to find the right product that will actually make our eyelashes longer? And how to move freely around all the shelves filled with colour cosmetics designed for eye makeup? Well, it is not so easy as it may seem to be. Probably, the best, yet breakneck, solution will be to test all the eyelash extending mascaras available currently on the market.
Let us check, which mascaras can be bought without ruining our budged.
Avon, the direct selling company, offers Daring Definition. This product is fairly intriguing, mainly because of its mousse consistency. The producer claims that eyelashes become extended just with the first brush stroke. Is it worth trying out? Yes, it is worth yet the quality of catalogue cosmetics leaves much to be desired. Another eyelash lengthening product is produced by Lumene and is called Star Effect. It is said that the small applicator is able to coat all eyelashes, even the smallest, almost invisible to the naked eye ones. Indeed, it is intriguing! When it comes to the third cosmetic, Amazing Length’n Build from Gosh, it is considered as a regular mascara. The truth is, it does nothing marvellous with our eyelashes. Instead of the thickening effect promised by the producer we can expect eyelash extension. Unfortunately, the quality of the product goes hand in hand with the low price.
Obviously, we can test and use all the eyelash extending mascaras. Definitely, they will produce more or less looked-for effects. However, do you really need all of them? Not necessarily. If you are persistent, you can keep coating your lashes with all the colourful cosmetics that produce only temporary effects. Be aware of the fact though, that eyelashes are like all hair growing on your body. Their lifespan is around 90 and 150 days. Old eyelashes fall out to make room for new, healthier and stronger lashes. This is how natural life circle of eyelashes look like. Nevertheless, remember that eyelashes get damaged and weakened due to mascaraing. Having this in mind, if you would like to have long eyelashes, you can try out an eyelash serum. Such a cosmetic is expected to be safe for both eyes and eyelids as it is not supposed to cause any allergic reactions. But primarily, it must work – nourish, extend and strengthen eyelashes. One of such products is Nanolash eyelash serum. Obviously, the choice is yours.